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Sarah Butler is an artist and illustrator based in Brooklyn, New York. She works in a wide variety of mediums and styles for commercial, editorial, and personal clients, all with a bright and lively aesthetic.

Current Enthusiasms:

Dark chocolate covered almonds. Leon Bridges. Louise Penny. Folklore + Evermore. Sam Sifton’s food writing. Lisa Congdon patterns. Geneviève Godbout’s illustrations. Alex Mills thick cotton sweaters. White wine + Kettle potato chips.

Peonies, lilacs, tulips. Cherry smoothies. Claire Saffitz and Alison Roman cooking videos. Baggu. McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams. Rifle Paper Co.

The color coral. Vegetarianism. Ranch dressing on pizza. Paper Plane cocktails. Magnolia magazine. Peanut m&ms. Calabrian chilis. Brooklyn Bridge Park. My mom’s homemade jam on buttered sourdough toast.